







IGCSE Foundation作為高中預備銜接階段學習,并且結合中國本土上海課程大綱,強化學生英文能力,夯實理化學科基礎,為高中階段學習打下扎實基礎;高中階段學生可根據自身未來學業規劃,自由選擇不同的課程體系方向,美國高中課程(參考美國各州共同核心標準Common Core State Standards)+AP或英國IGCSE+A-Level課程,同步學習中國中學核心課程,實現全面中西融合學習。


North America Education Group (NAE) is an educational company with a background in investments that focuses on the international curriculum, delivery at full-time schools and training centers. Established in November, 2009, NAE has participated in the operation and cooperation of 7 international schools/ international curriculum.

Shanghai North America International School (NAIS) is a full-time, boarding, non-profit private school. NAIS is located in the hub of Minhang District. The buildings of NAIS cover an area of around 25,000m². The campus is fully equipped with a central classroom building, cafeteria, dormitories, gymnasium, and outside sports facilities. The campus has one of the best facilities in Shanghai.

In NAIS, our core team has rich experience in management. We hire both local and international teachers, and all international teachers’ applications strictly follow the rules of government, including employment permits and visas. All local teachers have their teaching certificates and practical teaching experience.

The school only recruits students who plan to study abroad and help students with the course and language preparation.

The IGCSE Foundation is a preparatory stage for high school studies. It integrates Shanghai syllabus, to strengthen students' English proficiency and lay a solid foundation for physics and chemistry, so as to be well prepared for high school learning then. High school students can choose the curriculum according to their future study plan: American high school curriculum (follows the Common Core State Standards) + AP, or IGCSE + A-Level, together with Chinese local courses.

NAIS Language Training Center provides courses of TOEFL Junior, international school entrance exam preparation, and TOEFL, to help students achieve higher scores and improve language skills at the same time.

資質&認證授權 Accreditation

l 上海諾美學校已成為美國NCA CASI、NWAC和SACS CASI認證的候選學校

l College Board美國大學理事會AP授權及認證號CEEB Code:694144

l 英國培生愛德思考試機構授權及認證號:92508

l 劍橋大學國際考試委員會授權及認證號:CN428

l 上海市閔行區教育局辦學許可 許可證編號:教民131011270001120

l North America International School is registered at America College Entrance Examination Board

l (CEEB code: 694144)

l North America International School is approved to deliver Edexcel qualifications from Pearson

l (Centre number: 92508)

l North America International School is registered as a Cambridge International School by Cambridge Assessment International Education

l (Registered code: CN428)

l North America International School is approved to be established by China Education Bureau (Certificate number: 131011270001120)

l North America International School is a Candidate for Accreditation with NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI.

培養目標 Education Objective


To cultivate healthy, sophisticated, and responsible global citizens with a Chinese heart and a world vision

學校價值觀 School Values

正直真誠 Upright

善良仁愛 Kind

謙卑敬人 Humble

公平公正 Impartial

積極樂觀 Positive

勤勉奮斗 Diligent

獨立自強 Independent

勇于創新 Innovative

富有責任 Responsible

愛國愛校 Patriotic

校訓 School Motto


Stand Tall! Aim High! Go Beyond Your Expectations!

管理團隊 Core Team

Mark Butcher 督學

l 40多年教育管理經驗,擔任校長32年

l 擔任中國境內國際學校校長13年,熟知中國學生特點及留學需求

l 豐富的國際學校管理及運營經驗,擅長融合管理中外教職團隊

鐘坦誠 校長

l 上海市一級一等校長

l 具有42年豐富的教育管理經驗,并有國際學校管理經歷

l 曾獲得上海市頒發的閔行區校長級別“記大功”榮譽稱號

范嬌雅 運營總監

l 15年國際學校運營管理經驗

l 華東地區第一批從事國際教育事業的成員之一并參與第一所可招收中國學生的國際學校初創運營

l 全程參與諾美教育與7所國際學校/國際課程開辦及運營管理

l 上海諾美學校(全日制)的初創及運營管理

Brian Popp 學術校長

l STEM教學與管理碩士

l 豐富的國際學校教育與學術管理經驗

l 20年政府及教育公共服務經驗

Mark Butcher- Superintendent

l Dedicated to education for more than 40 years, with 32-year experience as Principal

l 13-year experience as Principal of International Schools in China, with rich knowledge about characteristics of the Chinese students and their needs for studying abroad

l He comprehensively understands the management and operation of international school and is good at integrating Chinese and foreign staff team.

Frank Zhong- Principal


l Shanghai senior principal

l Shanghai senior principal 42-year experience in education field and international school management

l Awarded the honorary title as a principal issued by Shanghai Minhang District

Joyce Fan- Operation Director

l 16-year experience in international school operation management

l The first group of members who started to engage in international education, in charge of the start-up and operation management for the 1st international school which enrolls Chinese students in East China

l Full participation in the start-up and operation management for 7 international schools/ international divisions

l Shanghai North America International School (NAIS) startup and operations management

Brian Popp- Academic Principal

l M.Ed STEM Teaching and Leadership

l Rich international school education and academic management experience

l 20 years of Public Service Experience in Government and Education

教學理念 Teaching Philosophy

融合課程 差異教學

實踐探究 多元評價



中國本土上海課程 + Common Core State Standards美高 + AP

中國本土上海課程 + IGCSE + A-Level



About Our Academics Management:

Two Integrated Standards:

Chinese Standard + Common Core State Standards + AP

Chinese Standard + IGCSE + A-Level

One Teaching Concept

One School Platform






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